Have you ever said to yourself, “If people could only see my life…!”?
I know I have! Most of the time it’s because they (ie, anyone outside our home) just. don’t. get. it.
They don’t see the chaos. They don’t see the internal angst. They don’t see the dreams playing out a little at a time. They don’t see the triumphs or the laughter. Only my family gets to see that. I wish people could understand the complexities of my/our life and the things that go through my mind and my day. They need to see the big picture, not little glimpses.
Welp, chickadees, I found my solution and I am going to share it with you once a week (if my time allows). I’ve seen similar posts from bloggers like this one and this one, but I am taking it a few steps further and using questions that relate to me on multiple levels (and probably to a lot of you.) I’d love it if you joined me and linked back here to show that you are doing it too!
So, next week will be the first in a series of weekly posts that I am calling my “State of the Union” posts.
It goes something like this – I answer questions about what is going on in my life and in my mind. I have a list to choose from, and each week I pick a few items to answer from that list. It’s a pick-and-choose-based-on-my-mood-and-time-availability kind of thing.
The benefit?
I figured it is a great way to be still, think, reflect and hopefully plan out my week. Basically, I am shifting gears and changing my life in big and small ways and I want to document my progress as I go.
You also get to see the transformation play out each week on ways I am working on getting ahead in life and in my mind, body and soul — and do it in your own life too.
And maybe…just maybe…people will start to ‘get it’ and understand why our life is not always what it seems.
Here are some of the questions I will be answering as time goes on
As I look out my window…
I am listening to….
What I am thinking about or pondering…
What I am reading….
What I am thankful for…
What guilt item I am letting go of…
Something I’ve held my tongue about for too long…
Things I believe I am doing well…
Posts that I found interesting or helpful and want to share…
Something that is frustrating me….
How my husband is doing in his recovery…
From my camera….
Something I am letting go of…
Notable conversations….
What’s on the menu….
What I’ve checked off on my to-do list…
Baby moments I can’t help but share or brag about…
How my writing is going…
Plans for this week…
Something I learned or understand a little more deeply…
Looking around the house…
Look what I created!…
Going outside my comfort zone…
I am mindful of…
Something new I am going to try…
What I want to brag about…
A simple pleasure to share…
Random act of kindness…
Something I said “no” to and why…
Exercise I was able to get done….
Self care item for the day….
How I am sleeping…
Last movie I watched…
Something that made me laugh out loud…